Sunday, November 30, 2008

Table of Contents

Chapter One - In which we learn about the nature of Hell, and take jokes seriously at our own peril.

Chapter Two - In which our young Reverend loses his religion.

Chapter Three - In which we learn a bit more about the good Reverend and his business

Chapter Four - In which we find out what an old friend has been up to for the last millenia

Chapter Five - In which we witness a rude awakening, followed by inappropriate breakfast conversation

Chapter Six - In which a deserving clerk gets told off.

Chapter Seven - In which we meet a little demon.

Chapter Eight - In which Scroat may have met his match

Chapter Nine - In which Joe loses a friend.

Chapter Ten - In which Joe gets ready to head out

Chapter Eleven - In which we learn a bit about Scroat and his Girlfriend (but not much because I just ran out of time today...)

Chapter Twelve - The demon broods.

Chapter Thirteen - In which Reverend Milton begins taking care of business.

Chapter Fourteen - In which the Reverend meets a new, lifelong friend.

Chapter Fifteen - In which an unlikely creature threatens to swallow Hep's soul.

Chapter Sixteen - In which the trouble has just begun for the Reverend.

Chapter Seventeen - In which Reverend Milton pisses the demon right off.

Chapter Eighteen - In which Reverend Milton has a bright idea

Chapter Nineteen - In which the demon plays hard to get

Chapter Twenty - In which the demon is a real jerk.

Chapter Twenty One - In which Hep has a moment to himself, and promptly discovers he needs to go save the day.

Chapter Twenty Two - In which things might be looking up for the Reverend. Or not.

Chapter Twenty Three - In which three bikers, and a parrot, make their way cross country.

Chapter Twenty Four - In which our four favorite people have a big reunion.

Chapter Twenty Five - In which we learn how Hep first met the demon.

Chapter Twenty Six - In which not a whole lot happens, but there's some mildly funny dialog.

Chapter Twenty Seven - In which everyone is bored, but the Reverend has a good idea

Chapter Twenty Eight - In which Hep calls in a favor from an old friend, who is very eager to help

Chapter Twenty Nine - In which the Reverend loses a friend

Chapter Thirty - In which Joe goes home early.

Chapter Thirty One - In which Joe has to give some stranded friends a lift

Chapter Thirty Two - In which Joe goes to a funeral, and the demon has a meeting

Chapter Thirty Three - In which the demon recovers from a hangover, and goes to a strip club

Chapter Thirty Four - In which almost everybody dies.

Chapter Thirty Five - In which the Reverend goes to Hell

Chapter Thirty Six - In which Scroat gets back just in time for Hep to leave

Chapter Thirty Seven - In which the Reverend suffers in Hell.

Chapter Thirty Eight - In which Hep and Ares stir up some trouble

***Hey, look at that pretty pretty banner that says "WINNER"***

Chapter Thirty Nine - In which you find out what happens at the end.

Epilogue  - In which I pad my word count by wrapping things up.


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