Saturday, June 13, 2009

Rewriting Is The Hard Part

Hey, is this thing still on?  How about that?  

So I've spent the last two months, I believe, rewriting this sucker in fits and starts.  There were quite a few scenes I had to redo in order to "show" instead of "telling."  Happily, most of those were at the beginning of the novel, because if I'd had to entirely redo scenes all the way through the novel, it's likely I would have gone insane.

Anyway, I just wrapped up my first pass through - the "fix all the dumb language and passive sentences" bit.  Up next is adding the scenes that really should have been in there, but weren't.  I've got a few characters to flesh out a little bit, as all five of you dedicated readers probably noticed.  But, I should have those done in the next couple of weeks, and then I get to do PASS TWO through the novel.

Making all of this more difficult is the desire to scrap this project and start on a whole new novel entirely unrelated to Holy Rollers.  I've also been fighting off the temptation to spend my time daydreaming about Holy Rollers IV, which you all will get to enjoy in November this year.

Anyway, just wanted to pat myself on the back a bit for getting through phase one of my editing process.  Now to flesh out Ares and Killer, get this sucker polished up and SELL IT.

Backwater book tour, here I come...

If you're jonesing to read it again, or if you haven't read it yet, head over to the Table of Contents.

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